Here are the pictures from the
Victorious For Elizabeth Open House Fundraiser that I did with my friend Shawnna this past May.
Here I am, making a long balloon strand to be placed on top of my booth outside so people can find us!
Yes, I'm kicking up my leg & being silly because...well, that's what I do best!
Here is Shawnna's son, helping me to contain the 60+ balloons that were stashed in my car. Good thing I had plenty...a number of them escaped our best efforts to control them!
Isn't he the cutest helper!
After I was done filling them up, I strategically went around the neighborhood and paired them up with
"Open House" signs and posters, in hopes of directing passing traffic to us....I wish I had taken some pictures of our looked really nice!
When I got back, it was "go" time...I set up my booth & was ready for the day's events!
Here is the new peg board that my friend's mom gave me to display
my goodies...thanks Vickie!!!
I take it out every so often and add to it when I can.
More goodies on display...
Here is Ty, his wife Eileen & their two beautiful girls. I went to Jr. High school with Ty & invited him to check out the Open House...I was so thrilled to see him after so many years had passed. Eileen ended up being a big winner of many of the raffle items & some of the auction items as well...
Thanks so much for your support!!!
Shawnna's mom, Nancy, donated these amazing cupcakes to the fundraiser...yummmmm!!!
Hair stylist Megan Hernandez from "
The Style Lounge" in Fountain Valley donated her time &
Featherlocks services to help Elizabeth. I had a purple & green one put in my hair in honor of Elizabeth & Lyme Awareness month...I LOVED it & it stayed in my hair for 2 months!!
Thanks so much Megan! =)
These beautiful (and edible) butterflies were donated by "Sweet DejaVu"
and lots of wine donated by One Hope Wine & Jackson Family Enterprises.
I'm striking a pose!
Here is the poster sized print that I made for Elizabeth's fundraiser...I love how it turned out!
Thanks to the overwhelming generosity of a number of vendors, we also put together an online auction & are the goodies that were offered up:
All in all, it was a successful
event...we raised over $1000 to help Elizabeth! It is a respectable
amount, but well short of the tens of thousands of dollars still needed
for her ongoing medical treatment. If you'd like to
Click on the link below & it will take you to my Picasa Web Albums where you can view the complete collection of pictures from the event.
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